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(1) Activity cancellation by the provider:


In the event an online course would be temporarily unavailable, you will receive notification by email with the following options: Receive a home-study version of the course at no additional cost; Receive an extension to complete the course when the site becomes available; Select an alternative course of equal or greater value; or Receive a full refund.



(2) Activity cancellation by the learner:

In the event you wish to cancel enrollment in an online course, you must fulfill the following criteria to receive a full refund: Provide your request in writing within 48 hours of initial enrollment, and before course completion and awarding of certificate. Provide a reasonable explanation for cancellation; destroy all intellectual property you may have downloaded, printed, or copied.



(3) Complaint Resolution:

Complaints lodged directly with Rehabsurge, Inc.: Complaints lodged after you have completed the course and received the certification of completion will be dealt with on an individual basis depending upon the nature of the complaint. 

Complaints reported before the completion of the course are categorized and resolved as follows:


a. Technical complaints are referred to our technical support staff. A staff member will contact you to identify the specific issue. Support will be provided until a resolution can be achieved. In the event a resolution cannot be achieved, and you are unable or unwilling to complete the course in another format, you may choose may choose one of the following options in consultation with the CEO: accept partial credit for that portion of the course completed (if applicable) and a partial refund, or no credit and a full refund.


b. Educational complaints will be referred to the author who will provide educational support. In the event a resolution cannot be achieved at this level, the complaint will be referred to the CEO. If a resolution cannot be achieved, and you have not yet completed the course, you may choose one of the following two options in consultation with the CEO: accept partial credit for that portion of the course completed (if applicable) and a partial refund, or no credit and a full refund.


c. Administrative complaints are referred to the CEO. If a resolution cannot be achieved, and you have not yet completed the course, you may choose one of the following two options in consultation with an appropriate officer: accept partial credit for that portion of the course completed (if applicable) and a partial refund, or no credit and a full refund.



Criteria for satisfactory completion:



Learner Responsibilities: It is the learner’s responsibility to comply with all state and national regulatory board’s rules and regulations. This includes but is not limited to: verifying and complying with applicable continuing education requirements; verifying and complying with all applicable standards of practice; verifying and complying with all licensure requirements; any other rules or laws identified in the learners state or regulatory board that is not mentioned here. It is the learner’s responsibility to complete ALL coursework in order to receive credit. This includes but is not limited to: Reading all course materials fully; Completing all course activities to meet the criteria set forth by the instructor; Completing and passing all applicable tests and quizzes. All learner’s MUST take a comprehensive online exam where they MUST get at least 70%. Getting 70% is a requirement to pass.


IMPORTANT: Rehabsurge, Inc., Inc. reserves the right to deny continuing education credits or withdraw credits issued at any time if: Coursework is found to be incomplete; It is determined that a user falsified, copied, and/or engaged in any flagrant attempt to manipulate, modify, or alter the coursework just to receive credit; and/or It is determined that the coursework was not completed by the user. If any of the conditions above are determined, Rehabsurge, Inc., Inc. reserves the right to notify any applicable state and national boards along with supporting documentation.




If you are completing this course for credit, 

(1) You agree that your identity, licensure, and other relevant personal data provided to Rehabsurge, Inc. are truthful and accurate to the best of your knowledge.

(2) You agree to complete all learning units, quizzes, and course exercises independently unless otherwise directed. 

(3) You agree not to share unit quizzes, final exam, or any other information that may compromise the course objectives for another learner. 

(4) You agree to conduct yourself in a professional and ethical manner that respects the rights and worth of other learners.

(5) You agree to respect the privacy rights of other learners and not to use or distribute any personal information about other learners without their express written consent.


Anti-Discrimination Policy:


All our courses are offered online or through home study. Rehabsurge, Inc. seeks to ensure that all students have access to its activities. To that end, it is committed to providing support services and assistance required for equal access for learners with disabilities. Rehabsurge, Inc. has a firm commitment to meeting the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Specifically, we will provide support services and assistance for students with disabilities, including reasonable accommodations, modifications, and appropriate services to all learners with documented disabilities. We offer audiobooks for people who cannot read at the same cost as our books. In writing our books or manuals, we consult our attorney if the books discriminate on the basis of gender, age, socioeconomic or ethnic background, sexual orientation or disability. If any of the sentences or paragraphs are found to be offensive, we will revise these.