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Yes. All of the materials we send you are yours to keep.

To receive your CEU certificate, you must successfully pass an online exam. You are allowed 3x to take the examination until you pass. Once you pass the exam, you can immediately print your certificate. If you failed 3x, please email us at

You must register in order to get a username and password.

Go to and enter your email address under “Forgot Login” on the home page. It will be emailed to you.

Yes! You need to use the User ID and password that you used previously to register. If you do not remember this information go to “forgot login”.

CEU courses do not expire but if a course is updated it may be replaced with a different exam. We recommend completion of your exam within one year of course purchase.

You can take your online exam after you register and read the book or e-book.

To take your exams, login at or you can mail us the exam answer sheet.

Yes, your exam can be taken from any computer.

You must take the exam again. You need to get a score of 70% to get a certificate.

Yes, additional users can get CEU’s. They have to pay separately for the exam.

Kindle is a device that lets you view the book digitally. Courses are presented in digital text rather than book format.

It will be clearly stated on our website which courses are accredited by which state and which profession. If you find that your state and your profession is not on our list, you can apply on your own with your state board. You may be required to provide the course description, objectives and outline. These are available on our all our books or e-books. The state will also need a copy of your certificate of completion.

Continuing Education requirements for license renewal vary among states and are subject to change. Please keep in mind that you should always check with your local state board for confirmation or prior approval or authorization for course credit.

You can apply all of our hand therapy courses towards your HTCC recertification. HTCC requires 80 hours every 5 years to recertify. Our hand therapy courses that are 3 hours & more will apply towards category A. If they are under 3 hours, they will apply towards category B.

All the book processing, shipping and handling is handled Amazon. Therefore, you should follow the return policies of

Book processing is handled by Amazon. Exam purchasing is handled by Paypal. Both companies employ state of the art security. RehabSurge will not collect any financial information from you.

Your credit card statement will reflect Paypal-Rehabsurgeinc.

Our courses are open to anyone who has made a valid purchase. If you cannot access the exam, it is likely a setting problem either on your PC or network.

To take your exams,  Please contact us immediately if you are unable to log-in. Make sure you click “next” for each objective.